Michael Dubin Film & Commerical music
December 2017: Currently I am working on commerical music for Carver Skateboards. As a skater myself I am looking to capture the feel and flow of riding as well as the sounds and concept of my client who is an amazing artist as well!
Music composed by and performed by Michael Dubin for Guro Victor Gendrano. 2015
Music compsed and performed by Michael Dubin, Alex Acuna, and Corrado Rotondella for Martial Artist/Stuntman Clarrel Pope. 2016
I was inspired to create these video's on my own after I took up skating.
Music by Michael Dubin & Skatebaords by Carver
Music by Michael Dubin & Skatebaords by Carver
2008 Another collaboration between Jaret Sacrey and Michael Dubin. This spot was for an Ashley Furniture commercial. I was asked to compose music for a jingle that was written by a contest winner. I took her words and put it to music. We then recorded this collaboration. I kept it simple based on the budget and played guitar. I brought in award winning sax player Katisse Buckingham to play the sax solo. Jaret Sacrey is a genius and came up with the concept in the video and we shot at Paramount on the back lot. I am featured in the commercial sitting on the steps of this brownstone.